Easy Trades to Learn That Pay Well in Connecticut

Pictured: Teachers and supporters hold signs and march during a protestation over the Brooklyn Span in New York, U.South., on Mon, Sept. 21, 2020. Credit: Paul Frangipane/Bloomberg/Getty Images

In 2018, teacher protests swept the country with educators speaking out confronting widespread public school budget cuts and wage stagnation. Those protests led to strikes, including the Los Angeles teachers' strike in 1000 Park on Jan 22, 2019, in Los Angeles, California. There, thousands of teachers — and supportive parents and students — historic a seeming victory when the United Teachers Los Angeles union and the Los Angeles Unified School District struck a deal that included capping form sizes, providing funding for schoolhouse nurses and increasing educator pay.

While this victory was significant, information technology also serves every bit a testament to the ongoing issues plaguing the United States' teaching organisation. If waves of protestors aren't plenty to convince y'all of the problems surrounding teacher pay (and other concerns raised by educators), then maybe these shocking numbers volition. Bacon.com listed $44,926 as the average starting bacon for public educators on August 27, 2021. On the other cease of the pay scale, summit-paid U.S. unproblematic school teachers make $71,000 annually, while summit-paid loftier school teachers brand betwixt $71,000 – $81,000 a year on average. Meanwhile, in Grand duchy of luxembourg, the highest average salary for elementary school teachers is 114,000 euros (or $133,316.16) annually.

Looking at things on a state-by-land ground, New York teachers come out on elevation, making a median bacon of $85,258 (via The states Today) — though New York also requires teachers to earn a principal's degree within their beginning five years of being on the job, a caveat that can create more barriers for fledgling educators. Other states that compare to New York's payscale include California, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Alaska, merely so many others land on the opposite end of the spectrum, including Oklahoma, where "half of all teachers are [made] less than $33,630 a yr" in 2019.

Teachers Spend Their Ain Money on Supplies and Hold Second Jobs — but This Shouldn't Be the Norm

EdTech Magazine asked, "If yous were offered a task that paid an boilerplate annual bacon of $49,000 and required you to work 12- to sixteen-hour days, would you lot take it?" Sounds rough, doesn't it? Well, sadly, that'southward the norm for the bulk of teachers in the U.S. Teachers spent an average of $745 of their own money on classroom supplies during the 2019/2020 school twelvemonth. Teachers besides paid approximately $252 out of pocket on altitude learning materials during the spring of 2020.

Pictured: Chris Frank, a teacher at Yung Wing School P.S. 124, prepares his classroom for the school yr on September 8, 2020, in New York City. Credit: Michael Loccisano/Getty Images

To make matters more frustrating, the National Education Clan (NEA) found that roughly sixteen% of teachers held second jobs over the summer, while xx% relied on secondary income yr-circular in 2019. If at-school secondary jobs are counted — coaching sports, teaching actress courses, helping with extracurriculars — that effigy jumps to 59%. The lesser line? Public schools should be funded adequately; teachers should exist compensated adequately for all they practice. Despite all of this, Instruction Week legislators scaled dorsum or outright nixed plans to raise teacher pay when the initially pandemic hitting.

Educators were abruptly thrust into a public health crunch in March 2020. Despite teachers' best efforts, most schools, specially public schools, didn't accept roadmaps to deal with all-virtual learning scenarios. In fact, enough of universities and otherwise privately funded schools with seemingly huge endowments weren't well-equipped either. Betwixt technological roadblocks and the fact that many students don't accept access to computers, tablets or the internet at home, the novel coronavirus pandemic certainly spotlighted discrepancies and shortcomings in the American pedagogy system.

Pictured: Gladys Alvarez, a fifth grade teacher at Manchester Ave. Simple School in South Los Angeles, California, talks to her students over Zoom. Credit: Mel Melcon/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images

In August 2020, the White House formally declared teachers essential workers, noting that they are "critical infrastructure workers" — or, in other words, critical to the infrastructure of reopening the country and bolstering the economy. However, unlike other essential workers, teachers exercise not ever have the training and background to mitigate all of these public health concerns. Funding for PPE and other essential, virus-combating supplies is not always available or peculiarly abundant. Despite this, educators must potentially risk their wellness, their families, and their lives to teach their students.

It's indisputable that teachers are essential members of our communities, merely they are also people who, simply similar all of us, are navigating the horrors of this pandemic. Often, they get beyond the call of their task descriptions — even outside of the classroom. "My students have lost family members, and in that location's a lot of trauma we are not addressing," J​essyca Mathews, an English language instructor at Carman-Ainsworth Loftier School in Flint, Michigan, told Time. "When COVID hit, I had kids who were texting me in the centre of the dark, and I answered them every single time."

Mathews is not alone in her dedication to her students. "My colleagues and I have been stressed since spring intermission because we care, and we're worried and we know the ins and outs of our jobs," Kara Stoltenberg, a language arts teacher at Norman High Schoolhouse in Norman, Oklahoma, told Time. "And we know that what the CDC is recommending for in-person learning simply isn't really feasible, considering the lack of funding that we've had for a decade." In states that were more severely impacted past the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers drafted wills and obituaries alee of the school yr.

This is peak dystopian-level agonizing, but, what'southward mayhap well-nigh disturbing of all is that none of these issues — from teacher pay to how we value teachers' lives and health — are new. Instead, the pandemic has revealed every crack and mistake line in the U.S. educational activity system. It falls on us to reflect on the lessons nosotros've learned among the COVID-xix and strive to improve American education for teachers and students.


Source: https://www.ask.com/culture/teacher-pay?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D740004%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex&ueid=73b91d41-1144-4b01-b25d-0d66b0a7cf93

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